RARE DELUXE LEATHER-BOUND EDITION WITH SLIPCASE – 1 OF 72 – NUMBERED. QABALAH, QLIPHOTH and GOETIC MAGIC by Thomas Karlsson – BRAND NEW UNREAD COPY! Grimoire, Lucifer, Lilith, Demons, Goetia, Sitra Ahra, Invocation, Evocation, Serpent, Satan, Ritual black magic. CHECK MY OTHER LISTINGS TOO! Don’t miss out on this remarkable work, by one of todays most profound occult writers. I have tons of books on magic and the occult, and nothing is quite like this one. Written by a LHP practitioner and PhD, it reveals much hidden wisdom and charts paths unexplored. An important addition to any occult library, and a must-have for LHP. I’m also available for any questions, and strive to make my customers happy. Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic. Is a practical and unique introduction to magic. The main theme of this book is the exploration of the Qliphoth and the dark mysteries that have long been a repressed part of Western esotericism. Instead of ignoring and denying the dark side, the author reveals, step by step, the way in which man can come to know his Shadow and, through this process, achieve a deeper knowledge of the Self. Through the exploration of the Shadow, rather than its suppression, it can be transformed from a destructive force to a creative power. The book deals with the problem of evil, the symbolism behind the fall of Lucifer, and the process of man’s creation according to the Qabalistic philosophy. The theories presented in this book are also linked to practice. Some examples of rituals, meditations, magical exercises and occult correspondences will be found within this volume. Contains more than a hundred demonic sigils and pieces of art that were created for this book, which also includes a unique collection of all the sigils of the classic grimoires such as Lemegeton: The Clavicle of. And the infamous Grimoire Verum. Thomas Karlsson studied and practiced the occult for over 20 years and is the founder of the esoteric Dragon Rouge order. Currently, he holds a Doctorate in the field of History of Religion, as well as a Master’s degree in History of Ideas. Professional translation by José María Peláez. Bonus art by Zeena Schreck, Fosco Culto, Timo Ketola and the author, exclusive to this edition! Preface by José María Peláez, accompanied by presentations by David Beth, Per-Anders Östling and Kennet Granholm. Additional material to the original version. Leather bound hardcover with box slipcase. Top quality Ivory paper. Limited edition of 72 copies. BE SURE TO CHECK MY OTHER LISTINGS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOW-UP BOOK TO THIS, “BLACK MASS”!