SmallPAXweber: The Last of the Mission Shelties. SmallPAXweber is among that small but select cadre of Shetland sheep dogs that have watched over the California missions since 1769. Francis Weber wrote this small history of the longstanding relationship between this special breed of dogs and the missions of California, with special focus on his beloved smallPAXweber. The book was designed, printed, and bound by Don Hildreth at his Ash Ranch Press. It was printed letterpress in an edition of 128 copies, of which this is one of 26 lettered DELUXE copies. Beautifully bound in 2 colors of leather, printed with a detailed portrait of smallPAXweber on the cover, and stamped in gold on the hubbed spine. Size is 2 1/2″ high x 1 7/8″ wide. The book is housed in a white moire clamshell box with an inset illustration in the style of a stained glass panel set under clear acrylic, bordered in gold. A striking and meticulous production in fine condition.