THE BOOK OF HOURS OF LOUIS OF ORLEANS – FACSIMILE, LIMITED EDITION. 90 elegant miniatures and a portrait of the future King of France: A masterpiece by Jean Colombe for Louis of Orléans, the future King Louis XII. Limited edition full facsimile, copy number 532 from. Copies, together with its accompanying commentary. Both volumes housed in a decorated Slip Box. Lovely binding, blind decorated terracotta calf, with three-sided gilt edging. The main volume is in full leather, whereas the commentary volume is quarter leather, with boards matching slip box colour. Facsimile illustrated in colour throughout, and printed in high quality, circa 240 pages. Commentary in German by. Condition: Very good condition. Previous owner’s ex-libris sticker and inscription (stamp and signature). The original of the facsimile manuscript is in the possession of the Saltykow Stschedrin State Public Library in Leningrad. It is stored under the signature Lat. The elaborate prayer book was designed by the French master Jean Colombe and the employees of his studio. The artists based their work on the paintings of Jean Bourdichon, one of the most influential book illustrators of the French Middle Ages. The work was created in 1490. It was signed by Louis, Duke of Orléans from the House of Valois. Louis was crowned King Louis XII of France in 1498. Louis XII was known as a great lover and patron of the arts. Some of the most outstanding illuminated manuscripts in France were created on his commission. The illumination of the small manuscript is really extraordinary because of its sophisticated image concept, especially in the biblical series of motifs, which are extremely rare in books of hours, as well as because of the magnificent floral decorations on the pages.