Of Chalk & Flint A Way of Norfolk Magic Val Thomas

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Of Chalk & Flint A Way of Norfolk Magic Val Thomas

Of Chalk & Flint A Way of Norfolk Magic Val Thomas
Well my friend here i go again. Todays book for your perusal is. Of Chalk & Flint (A Way of Norfolk Magic) by Val Thomas. 1st edition & limited edition no 18/150. Some of you may have heard me talk of my friend Vi, she came originally from Lincolnshire prior to the 2nd world war moved south when she met & married. Despite the objections of so called friends & family she continued a tradition of witchcraft here that originated in Lincolnshire, she was what is known as a’hedge witch’, meeting her may have been the best thing i have ever done to be honest, she, like a mate of mine Mark, doesnt give you crap but tells it as it is, their magic is of the earth & the moon, sun & the stars whereas mine is of blood & bone but the end results are not dissimilar. As with other books on localised witchcraft this book reveals the tricks of the trade used in Norfolk, reading through the book you may feel that what you read is similar to that used in Suffolk, Nottinghamshire or even Lincolnshire, what you should remember is that in those far off days everything learnt was’word of mouth’ rarely written down, most people were illiterate, & those who had literacy skills may have misunderstood facts so though the construction of a spell seems similar it may be used for a different purpose. All witchcraft is usually pure & directed at those in need of aid but sometimes the coven needs to protect itself so the focus is purely selfish. You will need to google this book as copywrite laws are getting harsher these days so to even give you a smidgen from inside the covers is liable to a letter from a solicitor? Picture is of my spirit guide or i should say, the remains of my spirit guide, Nancy who now my wife has passed needs a new home, 2 women looking after you seems fine until one decides they are the dominant one & Nancy is that person, i just need to keep the peace & get my head together. Post days are Mondays & Thursdays.
Of Chalk & Flint A Way of Norfolk Magic Val Thomas