Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81

Ginnrunbok-The-Book-of-Primeval-Whispers-Ljossal-Lo-ursson-ursasei-r-Lim81-01-cfvuGinnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81

Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81
Number 52 out of 81 total. In exact condition as it was received from the publisher years back. A slight natural warp in the wood cover is how it was received. Þursaseiðr Edition: This deluxe hardcover edition is limited to 81 copies, with a handbound black rustic leather spine and Ash covers. Specifications: Octavo format (148 x 210 mm), 130 g. Voluminous two side-coated paper with 140 g. The Unmanifest Kingdom is between the vertices of our reality; shining, the Celestial Body has been conjured through Fire and Ice. The Abyss of Ginnunga has opened its jaws to consume with unfathomable power that which prevents the return to the Origin, the prime source of the spirit, Ur. The whisper of Primeval Magic. Ginnrúnbók or the “Book of Primeval Whispers” is a grimoire dedicated to the understanding and worship of the Giants of the Nordic tradition. This work focuses on the contact with the primeval powers prior to the gods, whose influence arises from Ginnunga gap. The grimoire describes the relationship between the Runes and the Giants, as well as the scheme of Þursaseiðr or the Sorcery of the Giants in its nine manifestations. This material was first published by Editorial Ophiolatreia in 2014 and we are proud to introduce this material to a new, wider audience thirsty for a deeper understanding of the secret of the giants under the banner of Fall of Man. This new edition of Ginnrúnbók has been updated thoroughly after Ljóssál Loðursson’s long search for answers in the northern lands. In this title you can find. All the bases of the Ginnstígr or the Primordial Path that leads to the discernment of the currents, forces and wisdom emanating from the Ginnunga Abyss. Offering methods according to the old Norse tradition in relation to the Giants or Þursar. A complete description of the Uthark runic ordination in relation to the Þursian Runosophy, the four types of Setur or meditation methods to reach the introspective experiences of liberation through the Black Flame or Ginnviti. A dissertation on the development of Ragnarökkr or the darkness of powers at the internal level, along with a unique, deeper research according to the main methods of the Þursaseiðr. Chapter 0, On the Origin. Chaosgony. Chapter 1, Ginnstígr ok Ginnvegir- The Path of the Void. Chapter 2, Ur, The Unmanifest Origin. Chapter 3, The Three Knowledges. Chapter 4, Sálarrót – The Soul’s Root. Chapter 5, The Three Wells of Wisdom. Chapter 6, Risablót, Sacrifice to the Giants. Chapter 7, Seta, Introspection and Meditation. Chapter 8, Ragnarökkr – The Darkness of the Powers. Chapter 9, Ginnhvelir, The Primordial Wheels. Chapter 10, Bölþorn, Óðinn’s Runic Master. Chapter 11, Nóttrúnar – Þursian Runosophy. Chapter 12, Hjartarúnar ok Lokaletur – The Heart Runes. Chapter 13, Details on the practice of the Art. Chapter 14, Þursaseiðr – Sorcery of the Giants.
Ginnrúnbók The Book of Primeval Whispers Ljóssál Loðursson. Þursaseiðr Lim81