Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation, Doubleday/Gnome, 1st thus, 1962? The Foundation stories first appeared in Astounding in the 1940s and early 1950s. Cover artist for Foundation was David Kyle, for Foundation and Empire Edd Cartier, and for Second Foundation Ric Binkley. Then Gnome Press collapsed in 1961. Series was well regarded by fans so Doubleday decided to give it a try parenthetically, Doubleday had previously published many of Asimov’s standalone novels and had been offered the Foundation series but had declined. After Gnome collapsed a new editor at Doubleday picked up the Foundation publication rights. Then it struck a deal with the SF Book Club and printed them in a single volume with the Foundation dust jacket design that runs all through the 1980s. Foundation and Foundation and Empire were printed on thick yellowish pulp style Gnome paper , Second Foundation on better white paper. All three dust jackets are priced. (although Foundation’s dust jacket is price clipped). All Gnome printings were priced at. Second Doubleday printing (with new Doubleday printed pages) was priced. According to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database this set was published July 1963, implying a publication date for the. Set earlier, most likely sometime in 1962. Over the years Doubleday increased the price to. The print run for the. Doubleday series offered here was. 1,476 copies. 1,507 copies. Second Foundation 868 copies. Gnome first printings were around 5,000, second printings, 2,500. Additional pictures available by request. All books mailed in cardboard boxes with plenty of padding to avoid damage. I encourage questions and will try to answer within 24 hours.