Blood-Sucking Monkeys from North Tonawanda – Chad Kilodney – Charnel House 1989. Kilodney obtained a degree in astronomy, but instead of working in that field he took a job at Exposition Press, a self-publishing company. Many of his experiences in that job, and with vanity publishing in general, shaped his outlook on fiction and provided him with material for many stories. This he did from 1978 through 1995, and published over thirty books in this manner. Crad Kilodney would stand on Yonge st. He was stoic and would not react to the goons that would confront him. He usually had a tobacco pipe in his mouth and a sign on his chest that had random aggressive words like “stupid excrement tales”. He retired from writing books in 1995. Signed copy of self published book and newspaper article written when he passed away. I believe in WYSIWYG – What you see is what you get. All products are exactly the ones shown in my listings, no stock photos. “Pictures are worth a thousand words”. ALL PACKAGES GO FULLY TRACKED AND INSURED. I treat all in a fair and efficient manner.