On Basilisk Station (Honor Harrington) Leather Bound Signed New. Having made a superior look a fool, Honor Harrington has been exiled to Basilisk Station in disgrace and set up for ruin. The aborigines of the system’s only habitable planet are smoking homicide-inducing hallucinogens. Parliament isn’t sure it wants to keep the place; the major local industry is smuggling; the merchant cartels want her head; the star-conquering, so-called “Republic” of Haven is up to something; and Honor Harrington has a single, over-age light cruiser with an armament that doesn’t work to police the entire star system. But the people out to get her have made one mistake. They’ve made her mad. A Note from Author David WeberThere’s been some confusion-not to say, um, energetic debate, readers and fans being readers and fans-about the correct pronunciation of Manticoran. The truth, alas, is that a stitch was dropped. A mistake was made. And it wasn’t Audible’s fault. She wanted to make absolutely certain she had the correct pronunciations for names, places, star nations, etc. And I tried to make certain all of her questions were answered. And so they were. Unfortunately, at some point in the process, I replied to one of her e-mails by telling her that “Man-ti-core-ahn” was pronounced Man-tik-er-ahn. I can ascribe it only to a temporary mental hiccup on my part and crave your forgiveness. If, however, you must blame someone for the mix-up, that someone should be me and not Audible, who have done everything they could to get it right. Publisher? Earthlight; First edition & printing (January 1, 2000). Item Weight? 7.8 ounces.